7 Fathoms Rum

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Capn Jimbo
Rum Evangelisti and Compleat Idiot
Posts: 3550
Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:53 pm
Location: Paradise: Fort Lauderdale of course...

Post by Capn Jimbo »

Let's leave it at this...

No truly excellent or well-valued quality rum goes unreviewed. Buy a young pot-stilled Jamaican instead.
Posts: 231
Joined: Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:41 pm
Location: Buffalo

Post by mamajuana »

Cap'n I was at the store in question again today. I took detailed inspection of these bottles they had. There was a dark black "residue" on the bottom of every bottle I looked at in the middle bottom of the bottle. It disappeared when the bottle was shaken enough. Is this residue the result of additives or the result of the lack of chill filtration like a finely aged unfiltered bourbon. I was also given a deep discount when asking about this to a manager that did not have a clue so I have a bottle now, never hurts to ask for a discount!. Along with 5 other bottles of course, mostly agricole, they had a deal where 1L was priced at 750 ML to get rid of some old stock(back of most of these bottles were stamped made in 2009) with 2014 stock at 750 ml behind.

I move into my new home shortly so I hope to display my rums in my new "rum room" instead of in chests, kitchen cabinets, boxes from shippers, and closets. Maybe if you ever visit this area we can have a dram or two. I also just ordered 28 Cachaca's online, including may doubles, that I have never had to add to my Cachaca shelve in said home.
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