Summer School Dept: The Caner is learning, but...

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Capn Jimbo
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Summer School Dept: The Caner is learning, but...

Post by Capn Jimbo »

Now I know the Caner seems a big fan of the Project... a bit of credit where credit is due - but - just a bit. As you know the Caner prefers snoggling overproofs as a worthy substitute for his French bikini waxing. Just as effective, just as painful. But in a recent review of a rum called "Cavalier 151" our now denuded reviewer actually tries it with water - but - never really reports any changes or improvements. Odder yet was this...

It seems that the addition of "water" was a late addition, as his newletter version of the review actually differs from the linked and posted review! Curious? Yes!

In the newletter he states: "I sensed muted flavours of vanilla, leather..." But on the linked review this becomes "First neat and then with water, I sensed muted flavours of vanilla, leather...". What, no difference with water? Seriously? And more than curious, eh? My guess, the addition of "with water" was a correction/addition made AFTER the mailing, a neat (pun intended) bit of editing. Hmm.

Following this, he literally dove into his usual it-takes-a-real-man to actually sip and review 151's, his usual bravery and willingness to take one for the Gipper, his usual wonderment at just why the distillers even put out such mouth searing products and surprise! His amazing theory and conclusion that "It supports my contention that overproofs as a whole are meant for deep and massive mixed drinks, barflies and bartenders and lovers of the Tiki, and not so much for any kind of snooty tasting."

No shite Sherlock. We are now officially informed, thanks to this now hairless and intrepid reviewer. Good grief. But I may be wrong - certainly there must be legions of rum afficianados who have been mistakenly trying to sip these 151's alongside their MG 1703's, right? A show of hand (sp), please...

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